
For individuals and small teams trying out for an unlimited period.

$ 299 /year
  • Own terms selling

    Leverage more data from your market with our intelligent lead information gathering software.

  • Robust integrations

    Detect and remediate business critical security vulnerabilities scanning profiles made easy.

  • One time payment

    Monitor and secure known and unknown internet facing assets and stay protected.


For individual account executives who want increased productivity.

$ 599 /year
  • Live streaming

    Monitor and secure known and unknown internet facing assets and stay protected.

  • No bandwidth

    Leverage more data from your market with our intelligent lead information gathering software.

  • Marketing tools

    Detect and remediate business critical security vulnerabilities scanning profiles made easy.


For medium and large sales organizations with advanced needs.

$ 999 /year
  • Own terms selling

    Detect and remediate business critical security vulnerabilities scanning profiles made easy.

  • Robust integrations

    Monitor and secure known and unknown internet facing assets and stay protected.

  • One time payment

    Leverage more data from your market with our intelligent lead information gathering software.

2025년 바우처 상담신청

주식회사 룬샷컴퍼니는 2025년 데이터바우처, AI바우처 공급기업으로 다양한 데이터수집/정제 및 AI자동화 시스템 구축을 수행하고 있습니다.

바우처 수요기업에 선정되실 수 있도록 사업계획서 작성 단계부터 활용방안 등을 자세히 안내해드립니다. 또한 궁금하신 부분, 기업의 고민사항 등을 자유롭게 알려주시면 STEED팀에서  연락을 드리겠습니다!